Thursday 27 May 2010

Day 62 - No Crutches No Brace, Yeeee!

As the title says, I've been walking around without crutches and without my brace on.  If I do this for too long it gets quite painful but for the first 15 minutes I can walk pretty much normally!

Stairs are still a problem but I just use the handrail.

Driving again next week!

Monday 10 May 2010

Monday 10th May - Day 45 and Rehab Begins

Technically, rehab starts in a few weeks but I'm getting so bored with hobbling around on these bastard crutches that I've started early.  Putting weight on it isn't too painful and I can walk around pretty slowly without the brace or crutches.  Mum and Dad have also loaned me an exersize bike which I'll be using every morning.

I get a bit of pain to the right of the knee every now and again, I think it's the hematoma sorting itself out.  At least I hope it's that.

Also managed to pull a tendon in my shoulder last week after a slip on the crutches...  Bollocks!

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Wednesday 28th April - Day 33

Only 1 month in...  So bored.  I'm able to work from home (or the pub next door) so during the day it's not too bad but evenings get pretty tedious.  I'm getting pretty awesome at Modern Warfare 2 though.   For those who know the game, I've Prestiged twice in 2 months!

I had another trip to the hospital yesterday and hoped my doctor would give me the ok to buy an automatic car and at least gain some freedom but sadly it was denied... No driving for at least another 2 months.

I've been told I can remove the brace and try bending the knee when I'm in a safe environment.  Currently I'm between 95 and 100 degrees motion.  I can almost straighten my knee completely but it is difficult (not painful) to lock out.

There are still a few hematomas around my knee but doc says these should disappear in time.

The most difficult part of all this is keeping weight off the leg.  Walking with crutches is tiring and navigating around the kitchen with a glass of water in one hand is actually pretty dangerous.

Here's my knee.  Virtually no muscle at all.  I have a hairy girls leg.

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Wednesday 14th April - Day 19 : bend, straighten, bend, straighten

Hit my shoulders at the gym today.  Saying it was hard work is a huge understatement.  I had several dizzy spells but at least my leg didn't hurt!  Tomorrow, it's chest day.

The leg is healing well.  First thing in the morning when the swelling is to a minimum I am almost able to bend to 90 degrees.  See!

The new brace is good but sleeping in it is still tricky.  I'm due back at the Occupational Therapy Splint Workshop again tomorrow so I will let them know about the painful areas.  It will also need refitting because my muscles have atrophied even more!!  It will be stick thin at the end of the 2 months.

Thursday 8 April 2010

Thursday 8th April - Day 13 after surgery, fitting of new leg brace

I had my new, hinged leg brace fitted today.  It's far more difficult to fit and remove than the old one but this one seems more supportive.  I'm locked into only 90 degrees movement right now, of which I can probably do about 30.  Check this out...

Wednesday 7th April - Day 12 since surgery

Pretty boring day today, Mum came round to visit with the dogs which livened things up a load!

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Tuesday 6th April - Transfer to British doctor

My appointment with the knee specialist at Nuffield hospital Derby was this morning.  He took a good look through my file and had a few xrays done.  It appears everything is ok and I'm on track to a full recovery.

Staples have also been removed... scar is looking much better and check out my hair regrowth!


The bruising is looking pretty nasty but pretty sure that's to be expected.  I've been trying to bend my knee as much as possible and I'm also being fitted for a brace with movable knee joint on Thursday.   This photo shows where I'm at with knee bending right now...


I can't believe how skinny my leg looks in this picture!  My muscles have atrophied already!